The data is clear: biodiversity in Europe is in crisis. The loss of European biodiversity would not only be a tragedy for nature, but would also jeopardise the prosperity and well-being of future generations.

Restoring biodiversity doesn’t mean going back to how things were before industrialization and urbanization: it means fostering a new nature for Europe, one that takes into account the ecological potential of its lands and the needs of its species, also in the light of climate change.

Restoring European biodiversity is a long-term, complex project. Before it can be started, it is critical to understand how the new regulation fits within legal framework already in place, including those specific to the Italian context.

This is the aim of the RINASCI project.

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Call for Abstracts – Deadline 13 April

Call for abstracts Implementing the Nature Restoration Regulation: legal challenges […]

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Trento, Italy

ICON-S Italia – “Lo Stato delle Transizioni”

Vi aspettiamo il 19 ottobre a Trento alla conferenza Icon-S […]

Tartu, Estonia

Society for Ecological Restoration Europe – SERE Conference 2024, Tartu

Members of the Roma Tre research unit joined in the […]

Università degli Studi - Roma Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 109

Notte dei Ricercatori – 27 September 2024

The Roma Tre research unit will be present at the […]

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The project

In June 2022, the Commission presented a proposal for a new Regulation that will set binding targets for EU Member States to begin restoring biodiversity by 2030. After intense negotiations, the Regulation was finally approved on 17 June 2024. Sweeping in scope, the Nature Restoration regulation holds states to start the process of reviving their grasslands, forests, wetlands, fresh waters and marine areas, and to increase the ambition of their restoration actions over time. It also requires Member States to guarantee green space and tree cover within European cities, to halt the decline of pollinator populations, to ensure that agriculture coexists with biodiversity, to restore waterways to a healthy state, and return some of them to a free-flowing state.

The PRIN 2022 PNRR RINASCI will analyse the legal issues raised by this new EU framework for nature restoration, including its basis in European law and its coherence with Italian constitutional principles, its connection to existing EU law on protected areas and species, its synergy with the CAP. The work will highlight potential governance issues or any potential conflicts between nature restoration and property rights or other fundamental rights. Instruments for financing restoration projects, including state aid, will also be studied in depth, as will the place of public participation in restoration projects and planning.

The project has three main deliverables:

  1. Outreach activities (2024)
  2. Nature Restoration report (First semester 2025)
  3. Final conference and edited volume (Fall 2025)
The project
